Thursday, July 19, 2007

Seeking Solutions - Mail and Communications

Volunteer Mail.


1. Mail late or does not arrive
2. Countryside volunteers not in UB often to collect mail
3. Cyrillic address not possible for all friends and family to use


1. Countryside volunteers to open local Post Office box
2. Take a photograph of your cyrllic address and email to family and friends
3. System fix for out of town mail delivery.


1. VSO should collect all parcels from Post Office for out of town volunteers
2. Secure post should be part of support from Programme Office .
3. More effective communication from UB needed to countryside volunteers.
4. Do not rely on internet alone for communications

Volunteer to Programme Office Linkage.


1. Linking volunteer clusters with each other and the programme office


1. Nominate one volunteer to represent each cluster.
2. Cluster reps. to ‘meet’ in January and pre conference events in May and October
3. The responsibility for facilitating the ‘meeting’ and progressing issues arising to be rotated between cluster reps. David to do the October facilitation.


1. Review and consolidate the remit of the cluster representative.
2. Cluster reps to organise their own activities as they see fit.

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