Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dates but No Where

Ok, we have a dates but no where.

There seem to be three choices
  1. In UB
  2. Within 1-2 hours drive from UB, local ger camp
  3. In the countryside more than 3 hours drive, ger camp or town
We need a decision fast. June is tourist time so will have to move quickly to get a booking for 45 people!!!!!!!!

Please vote for one of the above ASAP on the 'comment' option below this post . We will close the vote on Wednesday 2nd May.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Things that need organising.

This is a first attempt at breaking down the jobs that need to be done to make the June Conference happen.
  1. Find a venue and negociate terms, logistics etc.
  2. Arrange transportation for vols and others.
  3. Fix an agenda, Organise speakers, including non VSO guest speakers, for agenda.
  4. Locate recourses to deliver for workshops
  5. Entertainment organiser for the conference (good job this one!!!!!!! )
If there is a job not listed here please let me know.

It would be great if two or three people could volunteer to work on each of these jobs. Perhaps people who life close to each other or see each other on a regular basis?

Volunteers and Agenda

Conference Dates - Wed. 20 to Fri 22 June 2007.

We need ,
  1. a few people to volunteer to help organise the event and
  2. suggestions on where to hold the event
  3. conference topics and items for an agenda.
Please use the comment option with this post or create a post of your own.